My Mind is not a Computer
Practical Example of Integer Overflow
Publicly funded Dating App
Probabilistic Direct Democracy
Self Hatred (and Love)
Planet Tracker in Rust Part 2
Planet Tracker in Rust
Cafes and Coffee
Reflections on Sobriety
Midwestern Tacos
A year of travel
typing.cast is bad for your health
Building our own Async Event Loop in Python: Part 2
Building our own Async Event Loop in Python: Part 1
Meeting long-term goals
Reading in Hindi and Urdu
Configuring SSL on single instance AWS EB
Why I use Poetry
Opal Restaurant and Port Port
On the Origins of Hindi
Playing around with Github Workflows
On Hindi Synonyms
On (Writing in) Hindi and Urdu
Wifi Autodetect
OpenCL Reduction Sum
Let's make an N-body simulator! (Part 3)
Let's make an N-body simulator! (Part 2)
Let's make an N-body simulator!
Gitlab Version Badges
Using PyCUDA in C++ Python Bindings
On Unicycling
Building a Radio Telescope
Norco HT Torrent 2 Review
Sambhar Recipe
Matlab is no fun
Federalist Papers part 1
Asynchronous Python
In Defense of Anarchism
Python generators and coroutines
Python properties
Python 2 Woes
In Search of Nihari
Ephemerides API
Basic Plotting in Python
From Power Spectra to Time Series
(Love letter to) Anand Al Saeed Restaurant
Opal Restaurant
Configuring Raspberry Pi as Bluetooth speaker
Theano LSTM
LED shirt with pocket
t-SNE in Python (part 2)
t-SNE in Python (part 1)
Solving differential equations in Theano
NBody in LuaJIT
Sram Rival 1x Hydro first 40 miles review
Multithreading in PyQt
Simple MLP with Torch 7
Annoytron 3000 update
Annoy-tron 3000
Jterm 2016 - UAE and Oman
Final Project for Interactive Media
Lorenz Attractor in Processing
N body update
N body in Processing
Three body problem in Processing
Two body problem in processing
Two point charges in Processing
Double Pendulum in Processing
Finite Element Method (FEM)
Recursive Neural Nets
Iowa rides, neural nets
On the road to haikus
Final Thoughts
Diamondback Haanjo comp long term review
Out of the mountains!
Damascus to Wytheville
Short day to Damascus
Eastern Kentucky and Virginia
Two short days
Me, Robyn, and rollers
Two days, one post
Rain ride!
Kansas part two
Im Writing On My Phone So Ill Keep This
Western Kansas
Eastern Colorado
Another rest day, Montrose to Gunnison
Naturita to Montrose
Moab, century day
Escalante, Torrey
More Nevada, and pictures
Day 3 and 4
Day 1 and 2
Double Pendulum, more Iowa rides and the slug
Dat gravel life
Iowa is where it's at!
Geodesics in the schwarzschild metric
Orbits continued
Iowa, beer, and orbits
Last ride in NYC
Friday Ride
100 miles, reverse Autumn
Saturday Ride up to Haverstraw
Saturday ride up to Nyack
Biking in the Palisades
Biking along the Hudson
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